BVI Day 1

The first leg of our adventure was about as easy as it gets - checked in at the AA counter, showed our USVI green bar code email and off we went. 5 hours later and we are having breakfast and relaxing at the AA Lounge upstairs at gate 30. Next stop St Thomas!

Upon arrival at St Thomas we found out our cab driver bailed and we had to hire another at $90 for a ride to Red Hook where we met our Island Time Water Taxi. Once we gathered our full crew of 6, we were told we had 15 minutes to get to the Tortola West End customs dock - normally a 45 minute ride. We arrived 23 minutes later and begged admittance.

Once that was over, the water taxi dropped us at our boat at the Voyage dock.

We had arranged food and beverage provisioning from Bobby’s and Ticos’ - most of the goods were on board and the bill was negotiated to correct for the missing items. Both companies are great to deal with.


BVI Day 2